Humans of Res Life, Sabrina

Humans of Res Life, SabrinaSabrina, Quad I

Sabrina is an resident assistant for the Quad 1 on Livingston Campus. A senior from East Brunswick, N.J., she is double majoring in supply chain management and marketing.


On being a resident assistant (RA)...

Major & Minor FairI often help my residents through giving them advice. I do my best to help them get accustomed with everything at Rutgers and help them feel at home. One of the most important things I try to do is help my residents with deciding on their majors. I have an upcoming academic program which provides resources around campus where they can meet with advisors. Through the program, they can work to determine what is a good career path or major for them to start studying or looking into further. I also recently encouraged all my residents to visit the School of Arts and Science major/minor fair. I found that my residents really enjoyed exploring that event.

Involvement on campus…

Business Association of Supply Chain Expertise (BASE) LogoI am the president for the supply chain organization, Business Association of Supply Chain Expertise (BASE). I’m also involved with the Chinese Christian Fellowship (CCF). I really enjoy meeting people who share the same interests as me. I’m also a supervisor for the Office of Information and Technology (OIT). I feel all of these experiences help me to grow my leadership abilities. I definitely enjoy how engaged and super involved I am at Rutgers.


Experience with the Rutgers Business School...

Rutgers Business School BuildingMy senior year in high school I helped out a local fashion boutique. This started my interest in studying business as well as fashion. It is something I am really invested into when I first started at Rutgers. I really love studying supply chain because it’s still a very new and up-and-coming major. Supply chain management is very flexible and there’s a lot of room for me to grow. I added on a marketing major because I absolutely love the creative side of it. Together, supply chain management and marketing are the perfect combination for me because they both fit my personality. 

On Interning & Fashion...

I am an intern at Tarte Cosmetics which is a beauty company in the fashion industry. I am learning so much from this experience and it was definitely reinforced my passion for fashion. The experience itself and the internship is amazing. I’ve been able to learn so much about supply chain management through this hands on experience.

Advice for incoming freshmen...

I have learned so much during my time at Rutgers. My advice is to be genuine to yourself because, at the end of the day, whatever job or organization you join you want it to be something that reflects the person you are. You should never try to fit yourself into a mold. You should embrace and be confident in what you are passionate about and what you love doing. One day, I believe you’re going to be the happiest when you do what you love.

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