Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are CLOSED

The information listed below is for current undergraduate Rutgers–New Brunswick students.

Position Overview
Resident Assistants form the face and the voice of Residence Life at Rutgers. As such all RAs must be committed to the Residence Life mission.
RAs are expected to serve as role models on campus, exhibit the ability to be effective listeners and excellent resources, and show ethical behavior at all times.
Due to the unique nature of the position of the RAs, work cannot easily be translated into hours per week. The RA job requires both regularly scheduled responsibilities and times during which RAs are available and accessible to floor residents. RAs are expected to be reasonably available and willing to work during emergencies and other unexpected events for which Residence Life support is needed.
RAs are compensated with the following:
- Single traditional room or a single bedroom (housed in an apartment or suite to be shared with other student roommates).
- 150-block meal plan per semester
- Your remuneration package is listed as a scholarship on your account. If you receive financial aid, contact the Financial Aid office to determine how remuneration will affect your financial aid package.
Application Process
- The online application will be open from Monday, October 28, 2024 at 12:00 Noon EST through Monday, November 25th 2024 at 12:00 Noon EST. Late applications will not be accepted.
- In order to apply, applicants will need to watch informational videos before proceeding to the application itself.
- A professional reference is required to support an applicant’s candidacy. The reference can be internal or external to Rutgers, and should be from someone who can speak to your skills and ability to succeed in the RA position. If you live on campus, we highly recommend connecting with your RA prior to applying though you do not need to list them as your reference.
- Examples of acceptable references: A class professor, Resident Assistant or Residence Life staff, current/past supervisor, an advisor, professional mentor, teaching assistant, etc.
- Examples of unacceptable references, A family member, romantic partner, a friend with limited understanding of you in a leadership capacity, etc.
- A resume is required as part of the application. The resume should include transferable skills, leadership skills, involvement in college-based activities and any other relevant experience.
- It is applicant’s responsibility to follow up with their reference to make sure they have completed and submitted the on-line reference form by Monday, December 2, 2024 at 12:00PM EST deadline. Failure to have your reference completed by the deadline will result in removal from the RA application process.
- Need some support writing your resume or improving your interviewing skills? Please connect with Career Exploration and Success.
- Join our Drop-in with Residence Life hours! Drop-in with Residence Life will be an opportunity for you to learn more from current Residence Life staff about the role and have any questions regarding the application answered. Sessions will be offered via Zoom. To gain access to the zoom link, please fill out the "Drop-in with Residence Life Interest Form":
- Monday, October 28th from 7pm-8pm
- Tuesday, November 5th from 5pm-6pm
- Wednesday, November 13th from 8pm-9pm
- Friday, November 22nd from 5pm-6pm
- The RA position can be time consuming, but it is possible to manage it.
- For a better idea of the RA time commitments, please review two possible RA schedules: Sample Schedule 1 and Sample Schedule 2.

Qualifications and Terms of Employment
These qualifications are required to apply for the Resident Assistant position:
- Be enrolled as full-time undergraduate student at Rutgers University–New Brunswick
- Must be in good academic standing:
- Must have completed 24 Rutgers New Brunswick credits upon receipt of application. This does not include advanced placement, transfer or current semester credits.
- Transfer students with 2 semesters of college credits may apply after emailing to: Please begin your application prior to contacting so that you may be granted an override. We are unable to grant you an override unless your application has been begun. You will need to provide proof of your completed college credits and GPA from your transfer institution.
- Must currently have a minimum of a 2.8 GPA to apply (giving preference to those with a 3.0 or higher GPA)
- Must not be on student conduct probation or have any active sanctions
- Applicants who are on reprimand but have no other active sanctions are eligible to apply
- Cannot hold a full-time position (25 hours or more/week) including, but not limited to: student teaching, internships, assistantships and jobs.
- Due to the competitive nature of being selected for the RA position, having lived on campus at Rutgers or another institution and/or being able to demonstrate an equivalent leadership community-based experience is strongly preferred.
- Leadership potential as shown through past leadership experiences and a desire to advocate for residents
- Commitment to personal growth
- Sensitivity and genuine concern for other students that would compel one to form relationships with every resident assigned
- Strong interpersonal, critical-thinking, and communication skills based in inclusivity
- Please note that zero expectations will be made for any of the above employment qualifications.
Summary of Responsibilities
Facilitating a positive community is an integral part to achieving the goals of Residence Life. In order to create a positive community, RAs must develop individual relationships with each student and foster a community valuing respect for others, celebrating the differences each person brings. RAs will facilitate community development through having meaningful individual interactions with residents, monthly meetings, and programs.
To achieve the goals of Residence Life, RAs must approach all situations in an educational manner showing care and respect for all students. The RA role in responding to student concerns and crises will allow staff to maintain a positive community and to build relationships with students and the community at large. RAs are the first line of response in managing student and community concerns and will be expected to critically evaluate and determine the appropriate follow-up needed.
As a Residence Life staff member, RAs are expected to be an integral part of the staff team and to participate in the work that supports the development of inclusive and safe communities. To facilitate the development of a staff team, RAs must work cooperatively with all staff within the building and the department. Much of the work that Assistant Residence Life Coordinators, Residence Life Coordinators, and Campus Directors do is dependent on the strong work ethic of the RA. Providing support, responding to facility concerns promptly, and completing necessary paperwork are some of the ways an RA can be a good team member.
Full participation in staff training programs and staff meetings is an important and mandatory requirement of the position. This includes August and January Training, online training, campus in-services, and any other meetings as needed during the academic year. All staff must be present at all assigned training sessions; very limited exceptions are granted and the unexcused absence of training programs may result in termination
Summer Training 2025 Dates: Training will begin on Wednesday, August 13, 2025 and will continue until the buildings open.
Winter Training 2026 Dates: Training will begin on Wednesday, January 14, 2026 and will continue until the buildings open.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the chances of me being selected as a Resident Assistant?
- We hire for approximately 40-50% of our staff each year, this typically ranges between 100-175 student leaders being hired and placed.
- What does it mean to be selected as a standby candidate?
- Due to the competitive nature of the role, Residence Life cannot place every RA candidate that is deemed hirable. Due to this, we keep a standby list of candidates who may be picked up at any time during the year should there be a vacancy that occurs.
- Should I apply to live on campus?
- Only if you are interested in living on campus regardless of the outcome of being selected as a Resident Assistant.
- Can I determine my placement should I be selected as a Resident Assistant?
- No. Resident Assistants are hired for the role across all of our 5 campuses. During the application process you can express your interest in various campuses and/or living-learning/special-interest communities however placements are not solely limited to these interest.
- Can I apply to be a Resident Assistant for just one semester?
- No. The Resident Assistant role is a year long commitment. There is a reappointment process that takes place each year should you be interested in returning to the role.
- I’m going into a graduate program, what are my options?
- The Resident Assistant role is solely for full-time undergraduate students. Please refer to our Graduate internships if you are interested in being involved with Resident Life as a graduate student.
- Will there be a summer process?
- In previous years, Residence Life ran a summer process to do additional recruitment for the academic year. We do not anticipate having process for this summer a we are shifting to solely doing recruitment during the academic year. If you are interested in the RA roles, we strongly encourage you to apply now!
- What are other student leadership positions on campus that I can apply for?
- We encourage you to consider other student leadership opportunities if you are hoping to get involved on campus! Student leadership opportunities on campus including the following:
More Questions?
Questions related to the recruitment process can be directed to
This email is monitored Monday – Friday from 8:30AM-5:00PM except holidays.
To learn more integral information about Residence Life, please review the following webpages!
- For information about accommodations and wellness, please visit our Student Support page.
- For information about our Living-Learning Community Resident Assistant role, please visit our Living-Learning Community page.
- For information about other ways to gain valuable Residence Life leadership experience, please visit our Student Leadership page to learn more about Residence Hall Association and National Residence Hall Honorary.
- For information about our communities, please explore our campus pages.