Humans of Res Life, Ryan

Image of Ryan


Clothier Hall, College Avenue Campus

“I transferred from community college. I wanted to find a school that was big, had great sports programs, and had awesome academics. Rutgers was able to hit all the points on my list. I’m a journalism major and I want to specialize in sports journalism. I have always loved to write and I’ve always loved sports so it’s a perfect fit for me.I want my time at Rutgers to be remembered as a period of growth. Not just academically, but socially.

I want to make connections here that will last a lifetime. Before finals there was a paint night on our floor. It was cool because everyone was able to relax and have fun and be creative and forget about finals for a while. I am most inspired by people who work hard and go to accomplish their dreams. My life motto is Babe Ruth’s quote, 'It’s hard to beat a man who never quits.’”

Ryan is a sophomore transfer student from Freehold, NJ. He is a majoring in journalism and minoring in digital communication, information, and media. He currently lives in Clothier Hall on the College Avenue Campus.

He was recognized by his fellow residents as “Conversation Champion”, a Clothier community initiative that highlights residents who go out of their way to connect with other students.


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