Humans of Res Life, Natalia

Humans of Res Life, Natalia

Natalia is a resident assistant for Voorhees Hall on Cook Campus. A junior from Wyckoff Lake, N.J., she is majoring in film and journalism.

On Cook Campus…

I love how quiet it is. I love the farm. I love waking up looking out my window and seeing all the animals. I also love the café. It’s a great place to live.

On becoming a Resident Assistant (RA)…

During my sophomore year I wanted to be part of something and make friends. I felt like a little fish in a big pond during my freshman year. One of my goals this year is that I don’t anyone to feeling the same way. I’m really happy now because I feel more like a leader and can help my residents.

On being a RA…

I’ve learned a lot about myself and made a lot of friends being a RA. I think it’s really cool watching freshmen go through their first year. I feel you change so much during your first year. It’s super fun to help them and give them advice. As a RA I try to say hi to every resident. A simple hello can really go a long way. My approach is I try to be as relatable as possible because I was in their shoes not too long ago.

On majoring in film…

I always knew I wanted to be a writer. I thought I was going to be an novelist. I decided writing screenplays and watching them become movies would be really fun and cool. My favorite movie is Rocky. After taking classes and I learned that film should be seen as an experience. I’ve been learning more about treating films as art. The films I’ve been making have been more experimental. I like a lot of different genres but recently I’ve been going through horror phase. I’ve been reading a lot of Stephen King, and I’m interested into writing a horror screenplay soon.

On majoring in journalism…

I wanted to study journalism because I also enjoy doing research for writing. In journalism you need to learn so much before writing a good article. Film fulfills my creative story telling side while journalism is for my informative story telling side. I want to reach out to people with my writing. People watch movies and people read the news. It’s the best of both worlds.


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