Humans of Res Life, Maddi

Photo of Maddi


Allen Hall, Busch Campus

“I’m currently studying cell biology and neuroscience on the pre-med track and I chose that because ever since I was about 10 years old, I wanted to be a doctor. I’m very interested in neuroscience and how the brain works, and how biology is related to psychology.

My mom always says ‘no matter how hard this is, and even if you say you don’t want to do it, I’ll make you because I still see the passion in your eyes.’ Having that support is something that motivates me. I’m passionate about medicine and to have my mom support me 110% is really inspiring.

I’m involved in RHA (Residence Hall Association) and my hall government in Allen [Hall], where I serve as Public Relations Chair. I’m also the National Communications Chair IT for RHA Executive Board [for Rutgers] and am also in Phi Delta Epsilon, which is an international pre-med fraternity.

I joined RHA in the beginning of the year and I attended Fall Leadership Development Day and they did a presentation on CAACURH which is a conference held every year. They were advertising for the conference and the application was due that night and I applied and ended up going.

I fell in love with the ideals of RHA and Residence Life. I really identified with being in a boardroom which, for National Communications Chair, is voting on legislation and choosing the delegation that you will bring to conferences. I ran for the positon at the beginning of spring semester. I somehow got it and it was really cool and I am super excited because I’m currently picking a delegation that I’ll be going to Purdue University with in late May to represent Rutgers.”

Maddi is a first-year studying cell biology and neuroscience. She currently resides in Allen Hall on the Busch Campus.


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