Humans of Res Life, Kehinde

Photo of Kehinde


Perry Hall, Cook Campus

“The one thing that inspires me the most is my father because of the struggle he went through to bring us to America. I want to go into the medical field and I am studying exercise science. Ultimately, I want to try to get my Ph.D. My father overcame a lot of obstacles for us to get a better education and I’m trying to pay him back by doing well in school.

I feel like I’m a part of Rutgers. Whether it’s playing basketball or meeting people in the lounge, I like the way we all interact with each other. The vibe everywhere is good. We get to talk about new stuff and I feel connected every time.

I’m also a part of a dance group called Twese. We perform African dance around the university and we’ve participated in the annual Caribbean day.

The best advice I can give to anyone is to just be yourself. Don’t let your situation, whatever it is, influence you negatively. Just try and be yourself every time and be the best you can be.”

Kehinde is a first-year studying exercise science. He currently lives in Perry Hall on Cook Campus.


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