Humans of Res Life, Jennifer

Photo of Jennifer


Quad I, Livingston Campus

“I was born in Atlantic City and raised in Camden. Sometimes you hear people talk about how Camden people can’t make it. I’ve tried to take that negativity and use it as motivation. Growing up and living in Camden, I found the opposite to be true. There are actually a lot of people that are willing to help you and willing to motivate you so long as you actually put forth the effort.

I came to Rutgers as part of the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program and have been involved with Student Support Services (SSS). I write a lot and like to write poetry. I’ve even performed a few times at Rutgers, but when I first started I was a double major in psychology and criminal justice and didn’t like it. I ended up going to see my academic advisor who took note of how well I was doing in my English courses. They asked me why I wasn’t pursuing that instead. After thinking about it, I ended up changing my major to English and I’m also considering minoring in Africana studies with a creative writing certificate.

Changing majors was challenging, but a great experience. On the back of my phone is the phrase, ‘let it go.’ Sometimes there are things you cannot change and you have to learn to let it go. No matter what happens, I try to stay motivated and just keep going because I don’t want my mother to think that she failed us. I want to graduate and show her something. I want to be able to say, ‘I worked hard not just for me, but for you.’"

Jennifer is a senior majoring in English with a minor in Africana studies and a creative writing certificate. She currently resides in Quad I on Livingston Campus.


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