Humans of Res Life, Esther

Photo of Estherv


Nichols Apartments, Busch Campus

“I grew up in Chile and can speak Spanish. I wanted to keep my native language, which was Korean, but it was very hard because there was no one out there that I could speak it with. Because I went through the experience of almost losing my native language, that process always intrigues me.

I’m a Ph.D. student studying bilingualism and second language acquisition. My passion is to see the differences between languages and how that difference applies when a second language learner is learning a new language. I like to explore the different features each language has and then see how people apply it.

I came to Rutgers is because of this program. There is not much out there that focuses on second language acquisition, heritage language speakers, and bilingualism, but Rutgers does and I would say is one of the top five [programs] that focuses specifically on this interest area.

I am also involved comprised of students from our department called RU Bilingual. We visit high schools and middle schools and also attend events that occur at Rutgers or the Newark area to explain the importance of being bilingual.”

Esther is a Ph.D. student studying bilingualism and second language acquisition within the Spanish department. She and her family currently live in Nichols Apartments on Busch Campus.


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