Gianna is a resident assistant for the Honors College on College Avenue campus. A sophomore from Long Island, N.Y., she is majoring in mathematics with a minor in women and gender studies.
On becoming a resident assistant (RA)…
My first year was definitely a hard, especially being an out of state student. Being far away from home, it was difficut for me to adjust. I got really home sick. I was really upset and sometimes felt I just needed a person that was there for me. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to become an RA was to be the person I needed as a first year student. It’s also the reason why I wanted to be in a first year residence hall. I know how hard it was to be in that position so I want to be there for their transition.
On actuary…
My whole life I really enjoyed math. It’s always been the one subject I’ve excelled in. But my first semester taking math classes, like multivariable calculus, was rough. It drove me crazy and it was really hard. One day I found information for an actuary option [for my mathematics major]. I noticed it involved economics, which I really enjoy. It was almost like an actuary major that was tailored for me. I liked that I wasn’t stuck in one subject and able to do other things.
On passions outside of school…
I’ve done Irish dance my whole life. I never competed, but I did take classes with my normal dance school. When I came to Rutgers I joined the Irish dance club and it’s interesting because it has people that have never danced at all as well as people who have competed at Worlds.
Along with others, I learned from people who have been world qualifiers. I feel like I’ve gotten something that I’ve been missing all my life. Growing up I learned mostly tap or hip hop and some Irish dance. Here I’ve been able to learn the really traditional Irish dances. I’ve able to go back to my dance studio and teach what I learned which is really cool. I’m now actually the public relations chair for the club. Recently I competed with the club in an intercollegiate dance competition at Villanova.
On being a Douglass woman…
During my first semester I took a course called Knowledge and Power, which is the required class you have to take for Douglass. I also lived in the Douglass wing of the Honors College. These things really changed my outlook on everything and is the reason why I am a women and gender studies minor. It has opened my perspective on the world. I met a lot of close friends in that class. There’s also a mentor every semester and I got chosen to be a mentor next year.
On the Honors College…
I’m a Honors College ambassador and I give tours of the Honors College for incoming students. Having the ability to tell people about the building and the program and possibly influence their decision on where they go to college has been really awesome.
As a RA this year, I was handing out keys and some of them actually commented and were like ‘you cut your hair!’ because they just remembered me from giving tours or saw me at some of the events. Being at the Honors College has definitely helped me with public speaking and has given me many resources and so many ways to grow. I’m so thankful for that.