Humans of Res Life, Geet

Humans of Res Life, GeetGeet, Quad I

Geet is a resident assistant for the Quad I on Livingston Campus. A senior from Edison, N.J., he is majoring in computer science and minoring in mathematics.

On being an apartment assistant (AA) ...


Photo of the Quads


As an RA, I really grew as a person. It really pushed me to make new connections with both my staff and my residents. No matter how much experience you have, introducing yourself is always something that takes me out of my comfort zone. I feel that this challenge has made me a better person. I went door-to-door trying to meet and talk to all my residents. It ended up going very well: one of my residents was a math major, so we had lot in common since I am minoring in math. Another resident, who is a transfer student and on the wrestling team, was able to give me workout and nutrition advice. This experience was especially great because I am trying to get in better shape, but it also showed me that I can learn from my residents and build relationships with them. I am so happy that my residents have a level of trust with me and feel comfortable sharing their challenges with me. They trust that I will do my best to help them. That’s all I can really ask for: that my residents trust me. If I can make any impact on my residents and that they see me as resource, then I know I was successful.

On computer science…


Hill CenterI decided during my senior year of high school to take an introduction to computer science class. That class really inspired me to pursue computer science in college. Since then, I haven’t looked back. I was also inspired by my dad because he is in the field of information technology. Overall, computer science pushes and challenges you to solve many different problems. The study and field of computer science is always changing and evolving. It really keeps me on my toes and keeps me motivated to be open to learning new things.



On Morgan Stanley…

Geet at Morgan StanleyDuring my sophomore year I attended a job/career fair on campus that was actually targeted towards computer science students and the technology field. I was able to meet representatives at Morgan Stanley that encouraged me to apply to be a technology analyst. I applied at the end of my sophomore year and didn’t get accepted. I stayed in touch with the human resources department at Morgan Stanley and applied again during my junior year and got accepted! This past summer, I worked there as a technology analyst and did a lot of programming work for them. You learn many technical things, of course, but my major takeaway was bettering my communication skills and being able to work in a bigger group; everything is a team effort. A lot of the skills I learned easily transferred over into my RA role and being able to work on a dynamic staff.




Photo of NYC taken by GeetOne of my hobbies is photography. I picked up the hobby the winter of my sophomore year. It is a great creative release for me; growing up I wasn’t really artistic. I wasn’t very good at drawing or painting. But when I started photography it was a really great way for me to express myself and relieve stress. I use Instagram to show off my pictures. I really focus on taking pictures of cityscapes, scenic, and portrait photography. While spending time in New York, I really enjoyed exploring the city and taking photos.




Life after College…

Personally, I really want to get healthier. I want to get into the habit of eating healthy and going to the gym in order to get more fit. I think that being healthy and fit will improve my abilities to control my stress. I want to find different ways to better myself and I think working out is one way I can do that. I will be working full time after college, and hopefully returning to Morgan Stanley–I am really looking forward to that.  

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