Humans of Res Life, Amber

AmberAmber, Stonier Hall

Amber is a resident assistant for Stonier Hall on College Ave Campus. A senior from Frisco, Texas, she is majoring in journalism. 





Growing up domestically and internationally...

Amber in the FallOriginally, from the age of 8, I grew up in Frisco, Texas, which is next to Dallas. I moved to Nigeria from age eight until I was seventeen. They are both very different locations both physically and culturally. When I moved, it was hard to get used to but, when I started learning more about my roots, it became a really great experience. In Nigeria, I felt a closeness to the community because it was where my parents had grown up. I have liked both my homes because I’ve been able to appreciate both sides of my identity.



On Nigerian Culture...

Twese, I am AfricaMy culture is very important to me. In Nigerian culture we have a lot of different foods. Food is very symbolic in Nigeria and helps describe the many ethnic groups under the umbrella term of being “Nigerian”. Across the country culture varies a lot and, as a result, there are a lot of different foods. My favorite foods are jollof rice and yam and eggs. I’m in a student organization called The Organization for Africa Students and Friends of Africa (TWESE), it’s a nice way to meet other people and learn about their experiences.



On majoring in journalism and media studies and minoring in criminology...

I love writing and I like telling stories. I want to get into broadcasting. I love being on the radio and TV. It’s really fun for me. I am minoring in criminology because I have always been interested in law and want to eventually go to law school. I liked criminology because it’s mostly about learning about the mind and abnormalities in the mind.  I want to go to law school because I’m interested in our justice system. Also, I have found that many journalists in broadcast have gone to law school in their careers. My long-term goal is to become the anchor of a daily talk-show, like Good Morning America. I would want to be a foreign correspondent because I have traveled a lot and am from two different countries. I would love the opportunity to experience different cultures and report on places — that would be so cool. I definitely want to do correspondence for underrepresented communities and tell stories that aren’t always told.

On involvement on and off campus...

I am very involved with the student organization SCREAM Theater – I probably consider SCREAM as my main organization since, as a senior, I have been involved since I started at Rutgers. I was interested in the topic and also really interested in acting. We travel to different schools and all over Rutgers.. I am now, and have been, totally obsessed with SCREAM theater.

WRSU LogoI am also involved with WRSU which is the Rutgers radio station. I run the nightly news on Monday and I run “Are You Entertained” on Wednesdays. On the Monday nightly news, I anchor a newscast and pick out interesting Rutgers, local, state, and national news. I was really nervous when I started but the experience has been great and valuable; it’s like a real newscast. We have a show called “Are You Entertained” it’s basically an entertainment show and we talk about things happening around Rutgers. We can talk about buses, professors, classes, stress of midterms and also about pop culture. We like to talk about different artists and celebrities. It’s me and four people — it’s great time.

On residence life...

Amber and FriendsI definitely feel that, as a first-year student, having a good residence hall really helped me out in my transition to college. I made a pact with myself that I would get involved and become a resident assistant (RA). I really liked becoming a resident assistant because it’s a way to give back and return the favor to other students on campus.




On personal passions...

SCREAM Theater TicketI’m extremely passionate about ending interpersonal violence on college campuses and, even more specifically, ending gender-based violence. I want to live in a world where everyone gets to be themselves and everyone feels safe as their own person. I want everyone to feel as comfortable as possible and that’s another reason why I became an RA because I want everyone to have a voice and feel that they’re being heard. I feel I have to do my part and help other people find their voice and help them find their own voice.





On advice on how to be successful at Rutgers...

Amber and FriendsTo be successful at Rutgers… I’d say not to close yourself off from your interests. If you are interested in something but maybe none of your friends are, still go for it.  Rutgers offers so many clubs; you will find a place. There’s something for everyone here. If you see something you are interested in you should definitely go check it out. Get as involved as possible because all your memories aren’t made with the grades you get but they’re made with the experiences and the people you meet here at Rutgers.




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