
The WeatherWatcher broadcast meteorology thematic community is a unique opportunity for students to get exposure to a broadcast setting and learn how to communicate the weather and science. The WeatherWatcher Club and Thematic Community also gives students the opportunity to work with fellow Meteorology, Communications, Journalism, and Information Technology focused students to produce daily weather forecasts, as well as longer science and journalism shows and articles for the university, its weather forecasting organization, and national distribution. From first-year freshman, to transfer and graduate students, the WeatherWatcher Club and Thematic Community has so much to offer!

What We Do
- 19 Studio or Field Forecasts made per week
- 1-3 Production Pieces a year
- Field Trips to NYC Studios (NBC, Fox Weather, etc.)
- A Thematic Community Experience (Perry Hall dorming available to freshman and first-year transfers; others upon request)
- Academic and Peer Mentoring Workshops
- Extensive Training and Hands on Experience with WSI Max and professional recording software
- Live Broadcasts via Partnership with SC&I and Media Productions *coming soon*
Notable Information
- The WeatherWatcher Club is NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador
- The WeatherWatcher Club shares doppler radars with NBC Studios
- The WeatherWatcher Club has alumni in various fields of meteorology, not just

- Produce content for WeatherWatchers social media and the university
- Gain invaluable experience in front of a green screen and in a professional grade television studio
- Learn how to write, produce, and edit video packages (Production Pieces)
- Learn how to use a state-of-the-art, professional grade broadcast meteorology visualization and graphics system (WSI Max)
- Make connections that could get you internships and job opportunities
- Practice and hone your public speaking skills, as well as refining your communications skills
- Study social media’s impact on weather forecasting and communicating science to a public audience
- Develop a better understanding of meteorology on an international scale
- Discuss meteorology’s influence on culture and vice versa
Live in Perry Hall (for Thematic Community Members)*
- *you do not have to live in Perry Hall to be a club member*
Students are not required to participate in the following courses, but are strongly encouraged to as they may provide you with a better foundation as you work with the community, including the 1.5 credit Weather Climate TV course, focusing on media messages and scientific aspects of weather reporting and the climate, for both fall and spring semesters during their first year.
- Weather Climate TV I (1.5 credits)
- Introduction to Meteorology (3 credits)
- Introduction to Climate Science (3 credits)