Changing Rooms

The standard room change process has begun, and the request form is available. Contact residence life staff for emergency room changes.

Once a room assignment has been made, students have two options for changing rooms: applying for a room change or identifying another student to conduct a direct room swap. Please carefully read our billing and dining policies regarding room changes.

Residence Life strives to provide every student with a safe, welcoming community, and that includes each student’s room. If you are a student having a problem with your room or your roommate, please see your Resident Assistant, Apartment Assistant, or Hall Director, or speak to someone at your campus Residence Life office.

Room Change Request

This form allows a student to make a request to be moved from his or her current assignment to a vacant space elsewhere. Residence Life attempts to place every student as quickly as possible into the most appropriate room.

The room change request form becomes available about three weeks after the start of every semester. It is accessible through the online housing application website. Prior to becoming available each semester, the room change request form will not be visible on the housing application site.

Room Swap

Students may directly swap rooms with each other at any time, as long as both parties agree and meet the room swap guidelines. Students can do room swaps anytime, they simply need to fill out the room swap form at the online housing application website, then wait for an email confirming the swap.

  • Once students receive a confirmation email, the card access should change and the students can swap keys and move.
  • Freshman may not do a room swap with an upperclassmen.
  • Students in a learning community may not be able to swap out of that community, as living in that community may be tied to their academic program.

Billing and Dining Policies for Room Changes

  • All non equal room changes may result in an increase or decrease in your housing charges.
  • You will be responsible for all balances incurred due to room changes or contract extensions.
  • All housing credits are applied directly to your account and refund checks are only issued by Student Accounting if you have no other balances due.
  • Students moving from an apartment to a suite or traditional residence hall are required to purchase a meal plan.
  • Students who change their University living arrangement from a suite or traditional residence hall to an apartment may still be able to adjust their meal plan.
  • It may take up to 10 business days for changes to be reflected on your account. You can visit to review your account.