John Newhouse

Title: Associate Director for Residential Communities
Office Location: Residence Life Central Administration, Davidson Hall, Busch Campus
Phone Number: 848-932-4765
Undergraduate College/University Major(s)/Minor(s) Completed: B.A. Psychology, La Salle University
Advanced Degrees: M.A. Higher Education Leadership, University of San Diego
Why did you choose to work at Rutgers Residence Life?
“Rutgers University is incredibly rich in history and diversity, both of which are extremely valuable to its identity. As a higher education professional, it is my passion to serve students to develop their life ambitions with measurable goals to make those dreams become a reality. With students conducting cutting-edge research in the labs and our student athletes scoring points simultaneously, this campus has so much life and activity. It is a absolute privilege to be be a part of our community and to share in your individual journey at Rutgers. Go Knights!”