Michael Tolbert

Title: Executive Director for Residence life
Office Location: Residence Life Central Administration, Davidson Hall, Busch Campus
Phone Number: 848-932-4371
Email: mtolbert@echo.rutgers.edu
Undergraduate College/University Major(s)/Minor(s) Completed: B.S. Social Work, Western Kentucky University
Advanced Degrees: M.A. Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education, Iowa State University
Why did you choose to work at Rutgers Residence Life?
“I am an advocate of supporting the worth and dignity of each individual where it is critical to respect new ideas and encourage examination and discussion of differing opinions. It is very important to appreciate and enjoy our rich cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity. There is a lot around us to appreciate. I want students and staff to strive for excellence and integrity in living, learning, and social environment where we promote justice and compassion on our campuses in our students and in our communities.”