Emily Green

Title: Residence Life Coordinator for Clothier, Wessels, Leupp, Hegeman, Pell, and Demarest
Office Location: Busch Residence Life Office, Busch Campus
Phone Number: 848-445-2561
Email: ebg57@echo.rutgers.edu
Undergraduate College/University Major(s)/Minor(s) Completed: B.A. Journalism, Minors in English/Public Relations, Hofstra University
Why did you choose to work at Rutgers Residence Life?
“I chose to go into the field of student affairs, specifically Residence Life, because I believe residence life is a key starting point to any individual’s college careers. Ensuring that students are comfortable in their new home away from home is key in allowing them to grow and develop. Whether they connect with new student groups or new experiences they may have, students will find their own environment at Rutgers where they can truly thrive during their college careers.”